Champagne Papi & Ad-family

It’s totally snooty but undeniably true that you’ve never been to the Staples Center as anything but VIP. And you’ve been plen-ty of times ;).

The Entertainment team celebrated the successful launch of Alphonso in style – Drake & Future @ the Hyde Private Lounge. So much fun, especially since the ‘winners’ got to go annnnd you got to see Angela so that’s a double winner chicken dinner!


This was specifically captioned: Drake & Future Ft. Pornstache


Champagne cheers to #champagnepapi… life is just so sweet
Just want to point out that this is what you do half the time at work. #uclagraduate #dropoffs #santaclaus

You love your ad-family, especially this one from Collective. Man, that place crumbled into a shitshow real fast but no one can deny that it brought some of the best people together. So then Ross, this little sneak, tried to call a BBQ together without revealing it was his birthday. Naturally, this kind of shit doesn’t fly with you so you got him the most obnoxious set of balloons & forced everyone to wear shiny rainbow party cones.

Remember shoving all of that into Kim’s mini? She’s such a good sport
This was definitely hosted by Erica & Greg. Erica gave Ross a grocery list, prepped the patties and then Greg went and got gas (of course Ross ran out lol) and grilled the meat. #Johns’totherescue

Yup, definitely a hit.

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