You’re a believer!

Believer in… L O V E !

9.17.16 – Benica’s Best Day Ever.

You were 1 of Monica’s 17 total guests. #honored

And this was probably the first real wedding you’ve ever been to. No one warned you about the oncoming waterworks. Oh god, you name it, #weddingvows #grandentrance #weddingtoasts #fatherdaughterdance #cakecutting #firstdance, every single thing made you cry like a blubbering baby.

But really, to see Monica sparkle brighter than the fat rock on her left hand (well done Ben) and to witness the union of two people truly in love, was truly a special experience.

Intimate & Heartfelt


Didn’t this beautiful ceremony give you hope that… there is a happy ending after all? Remember the days of Dailey (rather, the nights of) where the 4 of you became family? MR the clueless Dad, Monica the OCD Mom, Donellyn the Equalizer and you, the Newly Adopted Baby hahahahaha. Oh man that brings back memories… –>

Standard selfie post happy hour
Your goodbye party… 

It’s amazing how close these people are to your heart. You wish them nothing but the very best. Here’s to a lifetime of happiness for Monica & Ben.

Hitting the reset button

You pretty much slept through the weekend. It’s almost scary. And definitely noteworthy:

Friday: 10Pm – 11AM (sat)

Saturday: Naptime 2PM – 5PM & 11PM – 3PM (sun)

Sunday: 12AM – 8AM (mon)

Comical! Love it. That probably makes up for 1/300th of the sleepless nights tossing & turning over business & other useless thoughts.

You know what’s funny? You don’t seem to have stage 4 #Fomo anymore. Certain activities just don’t sound fun to you and saying ‘no I don’t want to go’ is perfectly acceptable. Are you 1. getting old or 2. getting old? 😉

So things didn’t work out with G… which is expected & accepted. Who knew things would turn out the way they did? Rather, who knew he’d regress so far back in time to when mankind was closer to ape than man? His series of insensitive & moronic actions really made us question why you fell for him in the first place but hey, no regrets. You learned a lot and had fun while it lasted. Now you’re working through that initially strange phase when you suddenly find yourself with way too much free time on your hands. It’s not that you’ve stopped being busy but it’s more like you’re used to maximizing every minute of the day to make time for the both of you. Looks like you’ve officially hit the reset button. Good. It’s time to reclaim YOU!



Champagne Papi & Ad-family

It’s totally snooty but undeniably true that you’ve never been to the Staples Center as anything but VIP. And you’ve been plen-ty of times ;).

The Entertainment team celebrated the successful launch of Alphonso in style – Drake & Future @ the Hyde Private Lounge. So much fun, especially since the ‘winners’ got to go annnnd you got to see Angela so that’s a double winner chicken dinner!


This was specifically captioned: Drake & Future Ft. Pornstache


Champagne cheers to #champagnepapi… life is just so sweet
Just want to point out that this is what you do half the time at work. #uclagraduate #dropoffs #santaclaus

You love your ad-family, especially this one from Collective. Man, that place crumbled into a shitshow real fast but no one can deny that it brought some of the best people together. So then Ross, this little sneak, tried to call a BBQ together without revealing it was his birthday. Naturally, this kind of shit doesn’t fly with you so you got him the most obnoxious set of balloons & forced everyone to wear shiny rainbow party cones.

Remember shoving all of that into Kim’s mini? She’s such a good sport
This was definitely hosted by Erica & Greg. Erica gave Ross a grocery list, prepped the patties and then Greg went and got gas (of course Ross ran out lol) and grilled the meat. #Johns’totherescue

Yup, definitely a hit.


Sometimes, it’s hard being an adult. There are times when you go fooling yourself, that at 26, you’ve got it all figured out. That you’re actually wise. Well, in fairness, no one can argue you are the following: On average, a fully grown human being. At the least, a self-sufficient homo sapien. At the best, a financially independent woman.

Then there are times, like this week, when you feel like a complete fraud. Fuck being an adult… all you want to do is go back to being a kid. When nothing occupied your mind as much as getting that cute boy to notice you and keeping your grades up. Sometimes it’s not so great, this physical, financial, mental and emotional independence.

What do you do on days like these? When restlessness seizes you from head to toe and you want to escape… There’s no one to help and frankly, no one cares either.

Other times I’d have told you to buckle up and get your shit together.

But not today.  It’s okay to be sad. And you’ll be okay.


Can we please unpack now?

It’s a new record… you haven’t slept in your own bed in 21 days. Juggling a crazy work schedule & a new man is definitely not easy. And for someone who takes pride in her 2 hour nightly skincare routine (involving about 27 different products), you sure are adapting well to the #shufflelife. This #shufflelife only takes place in the beginning stages of a relationship and there is usually only one #shuffler and sorry to say, that’s you. Seriously, can’t he come over for once? How about on a night like last Thursday when you touched down in LA from NY for less than 12 hours before you had to take the 7AM flight to Las Vegas? Well, if you’re happy to do it… okay but shits getting crazy. And by ‘shit getting cray’, please refer to the below:

How about a recap of the last few weeks –
* July 25-28: NYC for company meeting – let’s try to forget the ‘scavenger hunt’ in the city. Who’s brilliant teambonding idea was that?
* July 28: 12 hrs in LA – G’s an ass for making you come over
* July 29-30 – 7AM flight – (who’s idea was this? I want to blame Kristen… but it was you) to Vegas #chochella #broke
* Aug 4-8: Outside Lands with PS clients or AKA the weekend that looked a helluva lot more fun on social media than it did in real life, and AKA the weekend where you had to work all weekend and then some #escortlife I mean, #replife
* Aug 8: worst Delta system error in history, probably one of the most grueling travel days ever (this day made you seriously contemplate murder)

Annnnd as if that’s not enough,
* coming up this weekend: Aug 11-13: Palm Spring getaway with the girls – Ritz here we come baby (why can’t you ever say no though? Want to die at 40?)

Pics to accompany the craze:

Team dinner in NY – The Standard
Flyaway hair FTW, at the top of the world, I mean, Dream Hotel

Then there was #chochella. How TF did you get roped into going to Vegas for this guy’s 40th?? It was a great time nonetheless but let’s not forget how the fun costed you about $45/hour. Think about what you could’ve bought with that money. Perhaps this Chloe Faye beauty you’ve been eyefucking for the last 3 months? Le sigh. Well these pics better fucking last…

Remember being broke after this ‘day club’?
Of course you’re wearing fur at a music festival 😉

And some from OSL. It was so good seeing Jamie (she stayed with you for a night) and mom & Eric on Sunday. Now PS better close for 1.5…

Amazing show. We love LDL

Okay that’s enough for today. G needs to get a new bed. For someone who throws down frivolous $$ on bottle service, he’s rather conservative about the thing his 220 lb body rests on every night. What a dumbass. I’m not even sorry for his back pains. Don’t you complain about yours either. After all, you live 5 mins away but here you are, choosing to sleep next to that chubbo on his shitty bed ;).


You got robbed. Stop, let’s talk about this for a second. On the 2nd of August, you rolled out of bed as if it were any other day. Little did you know your FAITH IN HUMANITY would crumble to its core and A PERMANENT BLACK SHADOW would cast over your naive little heart. Okay, a bit dramatic but there really isn’t another way to describe the shock at learning how truly shitty people can be.


So yeah, that happened. It’s okay it happens to the best of us (hm, does it really?). Alright alright, at some point you’ve got to laugh it off. So what if you thought you were 25 feet to the right at the entrance of the lot? The lot you drive in & out of at least 3x a day. LOL. Can’t not mention that you were juggling these things: yelling at someone in NY for screwing up your campaign, trying to plug in directions to Warner Bros for your 2pm and looking for your key card. STOP DRIVING LIKE A LUNATIC. Anyway, this couple (ethnicity shall not be revealed because we don’t believe in stereotyping but your first guess is probably on point) pulled over and stuck around to help you. They consoled you (the gf even gave you a hug) and helped you find AAA, I mean, the whole nine yards. And of course you perfectly played the part of a distressed damsel and blubbered all over the place. Well to cut the story short, AAA came and resolved the situation and the couple left leaving you feeling grateful for their kindness. Well you reached for your wallet to tip the AAA guy and what in the actual fuck, you’ve been robbed. At first you weren’t sure and didn’t even allow your thoughts to go there. But shortly after, you got several WF alerts that these vermin were trying to use your debit card at the nearby CVS (for $205!! WTF can one buy at CVS for $205?). Anyway, the lesson here is to NOT drive over curves and NOT accept help from random passerby’s. Esp if they’re XXX. Again, we’re not stereotyping.


1.8 – Lakers v. Warriors (VIP tix courtesy of Howard)


1.16 – That night random Aussie weirdos followed you to the Viceroy

1.17 – Prez Day – The Beginning

1.22 – Elise’s visit – Wally’s

1.24 – 1.28 – Cancun for Company Meeting

2.6 – Sharon’s birthday @ Disneyland


2.20 – Prydz 4.0

2.28 – Coco Chanel LA Event


3.3 – YPOCC 1 year anniversary @ the Mondrian Sky Bar

3.16 – Universal Studios

3.18 – First date with G

3.23 – That time Justin Bieber threw the most disappointing party


3.26 – Ro & Jamie’s visit. That night Ro had a one-man show


4.1 – April Fool’s Day with Collective ladies

4.6 – G’s bday

4.18 – Laura visits LA

5.6 – Jess’s last weekend in LA

5.18 – 5.21 – Miami

5.28 – memorial day weekend

6.14 – E3

6.24 – Guests of BET – Usher

7.9 – Brandon Hood’s visit & Vicky’s Bday


7.14 – ThinkLA Entertainment Breakfast

7.22 – Phish concert




So you hike now huh?

Jamie would have your head for posting these. Because you don’t hike. OR DO YOU? So G takes you for a hike once and now you’re now an adventurer? A nature lover? Haha, no not quiet yet. But you gotta admit, stepping on dirt & breathing fresh air every now and then isn’t going to kill you. In fact, it’s quiet enjoyable in small doses:

Malibu Solstice Canyon Trail – we found Sharon’s spirit flower



Such a nice day with Sharon. Hiking + undo hiking with nachos & fries at Duke’s. Then nail in the coffin with even more junk food in the PM (Ktown with Dennis, Esther, Jeff). Haha. This day you had nachos 2x and it was glorious.

In fact, you loved hiking so much that you rounded up the gang to go hike the Hollywood trail on THE HOTTEST DAY of June. Literally the worst idea ever.


Horse shit everywhere blehhh


But hey, now you can say you’ve been to the Hollywood sign. 10 years into that Angeleno life 😉 yee baby!


Eat & be merry… always

You really do live the most fabulous life. Tonight you had the chef at 41 Ocean make an off-the-menu, 5 course meal just for you and your girls. When the man tells you he picked the soft-shelled crabs himself from the market at the crack of dawn… it just doesn’t get much better than that :).


Thanks Chef Patrick & his wonderful staff!